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im on chrome i can't play

Chromebook? I don't know how that works on those, maybe search up how to run renpy games in it? I seen people use joiplay to play on Android!

dang it

I can't type the Chapter 3 Gallery message because typing Q opens the save menu

Hmmm... I'm not really sure why is that it does work for me, is the first time I seeing it. But do not fret, soon when the gallery is remade, there will be none of that nonsense ^-^



No idea why I keep getting the 'shot' ending. Seems super random

It's not, that's how the chapter ends

For all? Doesn't matter what you choose this is (at least for now) the only end for the Chapter 4?


Theres another if you get very close with a certain gryphon ;3

The best ending

Can't be download. Forbidden file :(


That's weird? Maybe it's an issue in your end? Try a different browser ^-^

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turn off your antivirus

If you have to disable your antivirus to download a file, not even the USSR is a big enough red flag compared to that.

Sometimes anti-virus have false positives.

or sometimes they are so bad they think everything was a virus, happened to me lots before! :3

as of the most recent game version, is there any chapter 4 gallery codes? if so, can anyone tell me them?

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The code is made when I finish the chapter ^-^ so there's none currently

I played your game but i been stacked in one place an another. Could I please get a discord link to join you ? I been click the top link of your discord but it would seems to me that it’s a limited time link to join and I can’t join into it now.

OH!! So sorry for the late repy i updated te link there, should work now! hehe ^-^

how can i pass interrogation scene


is there an option to make it only m/m?


i plan to on the full release ^-^


I’m having trouble with the interrogation scene when you whether the bio lab~ could anyone help me figure out what to say~ I tried so many times


Well pay attention buddy~

if you don't pay attention to what your false identify is, or what you were talking with the BC just before the seizure how can you know what to say?~ ;3


hehe actually thank you so much~ you gave me a hint to it now~ I love your game and wish you the absolute best. Thank you^^


Thank you very much buddy! ^-^

in the end I still get shot, can anyone help me get over this?

The game works shen i play it on adroid but in a few seconds it will crash

sadly it may be because of your device, since in others it did work. I do plan on making a offcial renpy build but for now would be too much work to  fix the problem, even if i knew what it was XD

I wonder where the android version one

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You will need to emulate the PC version through an app called Joiplay! Until I can resolve the issue and get an official version working!

hey 2 questions which ending is the first one for chapter two and what minigame are you referring im assuming the jigsaw puzzle but there coould be another i dont know of


1. There's a mini guide that can help you about chapter 2, in the discord server ^-^

2. The minigame is in the dragon path of chapter 4!

what channel would that be in 



well i'm on MacOSX and I get this error message this needs to be looked at and fixed, btw really like the game has some real potential. Like the dragons.

i'm trying to get all fails cause in bored how do you get the razz and guards ending its the only one i haven't go

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Well to get the Razz guard scene is the trickiest.


You have to be mean to Zawkassai and shiv Mr C. Also fail to escape by not being strong enough, aka choosing the treadmill at the gym.

Hey Cookie

A while ago you showed case this project to me on discord and offered me a position as writer, I was busy at the time  and thus declined but recently I feel like taking you up on that offer or something similar again.

Sadly I cannot find you on discord anymore, could you send me your discord name & ID?


Here ya go! ^-^ just a heads up, i dont think i need a writter anymore, but we can talk!

Lars Ziah Zawkian#0340

The options menu is giving me an error, any ideas on how to fix.

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why do i get a error when i go to options?

its fixed in the next public release ^-^

The public build isn't marked on Itch's website as being compatible with any OS, which means that the desktop client doesn't realize that it's an installable program (meaning that a standard web browser has to be used to install the game instead).

There should be a section on the page for the download's properties that looks something like this; ticking the boxes for Windows, Linux, and Mac should let the desktop client know that your download can work with those platforms.

Thank you so muc for the heads up! already checked the boxes, sorry for that!

Sorry to bug you again, but it seems that the game page links to a MEGA URL, which the desktop client is /also/ unable to handle.

If you care to, it should be possible to upload and host your game files on Itch directly; if the files are both hosted on Itch /and/ marked with the appropriate OS flags, it should (in theory) be possible to use the desktop client to download the game without having to use an alternate web browser.

Done! :D

is this a bug or not because this is already at the end of chapter 4

yes it is a bug! ^-^ thankfully i managed to fix it in the next version! When the next patreon build comes, and the current one becomes pubic it will be fixed, thanks for the heads u!

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Will an android version come out soon?

i will try getting it up until the release of chapter 5 ^-^

Okay, Thank you!

How to fight somebody here cause I haven't had a fight since I played this

Why does this happen every time I'd go to the settings

ive been having that problem to try going to setting when your playing or hit ignore

So, YOu added this to your Non-NSFW collection, but it’s NSFW? Just found that odd

Huh? Did I?

Sorry, I’m a retard. someone I Followed added this to the wrong list, I went and Commented without checking who uploaded it. >.>

hahaha is okie ^-^


Interesting situation- I prepare to head to Aquamarine, and then all of the sudden I'm back in the mess hall I was in moments ago, only this time the dragon is back.

I ended Chapter 2 on Quarantine Ending No.4, and then I can choose either Be Quiet or Tell the Others, but ultimately, I end up with the same situation.

could you tell me the exact path you took?

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I’m not sure what you mean by exact path, but-

Here’s every answer choice I made from the beginning of the game on.

Chapter 1:

Ask how...

Make a run for it

Ok, I accept...

My Name is...

Go with Zawkassai

Rice and eggs


Decide to stay...


Go to Aquamarine

Go to Nightshade

Eat mashed potatoes...

Chapter 2:

Squeeze through...

Continue down the hall

Scream for the guard

Chapter 3:

Be quiet/Tell the others (occurs with either choice)

[At this point, they talk about the dragon chef being gone, but how he’d be back in a week.]

Then I glitch back to the kitchen, with the dragon chef having not left.

thank you, i will see into it right away!!

Weird, I play this game and after chapter 3 there is no content. Just main page

it is a demo XD

actually yes it is a demo but it said that the chapter 4 was out in public so we're supposed to be able to play chapter 4 Cheesy Cookie Corp and i have the same problem

Omg i misnamed the thingy! Im so sorry ;-; It is only chapter 3

I nearly piss myself so thanks for the change


How to defeat second warrior?


Just try until you get it, next patreon build(30th of this month) will make it easier ^-^

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Just a word of advice for anyone reading through the comments with the same question-

I beat it rather easily by working only on the treadmill, and ABUSING the Dodge function (regenerates 10 stamina)

Essentially, I would use Dash for every attack, and when the option to Dodge or Counterattack appeared, I always chose Dodge. Using this method, I only had to attack it once, to beat it, but somebody else might have to try a couple times.

I approve this message

When will the next update come


The 30th of this month! ^-^

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i cant dounload the game on the itch windows app 

Oh! Well it's because the link is in mega. Imma see what I can do ^-^

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just wondering whats happening with itch QwQ still not working

Deleted 3 years ago

Heya!!! The new update is up, i'm sure i fixed that little problem you had! Have fun with the new demo!!!

thank you sorry for the super late reply 

There is something wrong with the save files. I cant save


im loving it especialy the micro stuff being forced into a dragons sheath was verry nic

Thank you very much ^-^

Is Android version going to work again

Mhm! Next update, since I managed to just recently correct the problem with the android build.

The current patreon build has it, soon to to public once the next patreon build is up!

too hard

how can i defeat  spargator

Well you just have to keep trying and using what you trained to do! Hehehehe the attacks and damage are dependent on what you picked at chapter 1 at the gym

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what happened to the android game, were there bugs in it

This is a past Patreom build, BUT I managed to fix the android build. Sadly it is for patreons right now until the next build comes and the current patreon build gets to the public ^-^

ok then, I can wait

this has shown me many strange fetishes


I am quite please and happy it did~


Just had to point out that in the itch windows app if you hit the install button it says that, "This title is hosted on a incompatible third party website" and prevents me from installing it.

Huh... thats weird! Thanks for telling me! i will see what i can do!

Can omorashi be in this game


its a fetish

Welll depends where the story go and how it develops! We will see ^-^

Hi! I would like to share that I enjoyed playing your game, it's good, but it just needs some refinement on grammar and spelling more than anything, also I encountered an error screen while in Chapter 2.

Overall it's good enough for now.

I hope to see some improvement on the next build, good game!

Oh thank you so much!!! But I'm sure all these errors are fixed in the patreon build! And also launching a new patch today! To fix the patreom builds errors!

Much hapoy you enjoyed it! Much love and happiness!

You're welcome~ have a good day~! ^ω^



just played through the public build last night and want to give some feedback.

I think I got the most scenes and enjoyed the arts and story.
Unfortunately there are a lot of spelling errors. My English is not great at all, so there are even more I guess.
It gets distracting and can kill the mood for some people.
Everything was understandable so it wasn't that bad for me.
I made some screenshots of the spelling errors, but got tired of it the half way through.
I can send you them via mail or discord if you're interested.

Also I found a bug in an erotic scene, it stated: Image 'sex mr_friendly2_4' not found. (thats the image attached below)
The file is inside the image folder of the game, so it's maybe a coding issue.

The light blue text in the preference menu is hard to read on some spots, due to the background having a similar color in some places.
The preferences itself worked fine.

What I missed was a gallery to review the scenes or check what or where I missed something, maybe u already got that planed, because most VN have that, just a reminder.

Overall this VN made a great start. What I like the most about this VN, is that you let the supporters take such a big influence in the project, by letting them insert they're own characters and dialog. This will end in a huge and wild variety of styles and fetishes, which matches the story perfectly.
This also inspired me, for some ideas in my own project, so thanks for that! ¦3

The game is already a success! Keep up the good work and make it bigger!


Honestly I'm so happy for you to Post a review and help me with the game! my objective is to make the game have almost all fetishes, and 100+ scenes! So a LOT of stuff. And yee i will work on fixing some issues! Some are fixed in the patreon build already! So feel free to send me a message there, I want to talk with you a little, If you have time ^^

Discord server where you can find me:

And to everyone else reading this, go check out his game ^^ is awesome and will get better as he develops it! Already a masterpiece and will only get more awesome with time!

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