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Hey so I'm having trouble getting the sentinel ending whenever I type in "del/fSS3000" or "del/f SS3000" nothing happens, I have corruption at 80, Sentinel likeness at 60 and Ava affection at 30, I've tried experimenting around having her at 0 and other things but everything I've done has either led me to the corruption ending or a different route can someone please help?

You forgot the space. Its "del /f SS3000"

have fun~

(1 edit)

Thank you so much lol I was so confused

mine's don't work. is it del /f SS3000 or "del /f SS3000" ? Because I've tried both and still didn't work. Also I can't the guide in the folder. Please help?

i wonder that could be a meme for "addict" seriously

Deleted 30 days ago

Criador... sabe aquele coracao da galeria ?... eu meio que fui dedinho nervoso e dei skip no dialogo todo e agora nao sei oq tava escrito 😭😭😭😭😭, me ajuda ? Se eu desinstalar vou perder todas as imagens da galeria (pq nao tenho tempo pra recomecar de novo)

relaxa vai no servidor do discord que tu acha um codigo secretinho se tu perder a galeria ok? ;3 

i really need step by step instructions to get all page 2 endings because the guide that the creator made is so confusing 


I got all the endings. What does that little heart shaped thing do at the bottom of the gallery?

Does it only kick you out of the game?

(1 edit)

first time you click it has a special non lewd secret :3

The next clicks just kicks ya out

😭, really loved this game. Do you plan on making another game?

currently remakimg triple r up to chapter 4 and continuing then after to chapter 10!!~

Just played the game and uh, I got ending 2 but for some reason it now considers my save from another device and I lost all the images in the gallery. Can I get some help


sorry, i have no idea what that is caused by! First time, i seen it

Este juego sería perfecto si agregar más escenas como los centinelas, incluso uno donde controlas por completo al centinela borracho

i cant delete it?


when downloading the guide it shows as a .RAR file, how do I use it??

download winrar and extract it

7zip is fine too


What's the difference between the High and Low downloads? Oh and I can't find a way to get the Guide to work, so trial and error for me!

high uses 5gb of RAM and low uses 2gb. I recommend 5, the low is for low end devices.

and what you mean? The guide is a simple png, im confused by what you mean?

Ah, alright, should've guessed that lol.

Whenever I try to open it, it just says "Can't open file", idk if it's just me or what.

(1 edit)

Was wondering why the builds were so big and found out it was because you used 4k videos for the endings, do you think you can change the videos down to 1080p? Or just put the credits in the game and not by video, it's kinda a ridiculous amount of data used for something that doesn't need to be a video

What's the difference between the "high" and "low" android builds of the game?


one uses less ram for low end phones may stutter and stuff, so i recommend the high! ^-^


Ei meu caro, quero te perguntar uma coisa, c pode fazer um jogo onde nosso personagem é um predador?

Putz mano é que meu foco é justamente em coisas mais submissas

Tendi mano, tudo bem, se é tua preferência vai em frente, vai com fé, sucesso 

? E os "submissos" caçadores como ficam? 🥵 rs


power bottom?


(2 edits)

so out of curiosity is the game suppose to look like the screen is cropped for example when u first meet sentinal from his neck down is moved over is that suppose to happen

(1 edit)

As nobody else, including myself, had this issue is more likely to be on your end

Não consigo acessar o guia para todas as cenas alguém pode me ajudar

ta zippado. Entao descompacta e abre ele.

Já tentei fazer isso mas nada mudou 


what are the codes for the pc SS3000 i some how got there with no one saying eney codes and now im stuck cuz it wont let me back out of it


del /f SS3000

Deleted 100 days ago

Odd that happens when you trying to install an app over 2gb. Or installing the same version twice.

That is something down on your end though,

As much as I love the game, I still do, I can't for the life of me download the newest (completed) version. I had trouble downloading the version I still have downloaded which was the version last released here before the complete version back then but thankfully I was still able to download it. However this time I just am not able to download it. 😭 

I tried downloading it a few hours prior, waiting for 6 hours just to download this game, that's how much I love it :'(

Not sure if it's just a problem with my device (android). My phone has 56gb of storage that still can be used and my network is working fine but I just can't download it. This is actually not the only game I had trouble with downloading but I'm not sure if I'm the only one to experience it so I decided to comment! Maybe my phone has trouble downloading large files? Idk. Anyhow, with how much I love this game I'll still try downloading it later on, I'll reply back to my own comment when I finally downloaded it on my phone. To whoever read this thank you lol

If I can't download it even then, I'll just resort to playing the last version I've downloaded and pretend the complete version is not out to avoid breaking my heart further 😞


Awe dude... Maybe it is because your phone has trouble downloading large files indeed. I'm not sure what i can even do  ;-;

I have great news! I left my phone to download Celcius overnight and it finally downloaded! This might be the best day of my life 🧎

I was too busy ranting and forgot to praise your incredible game QAQ 

Thank you so much for developing Celcius and RRR, they are definitely some of my favorite games and I honestly can't believe how such a wonderful game like Celcius is free, thank you for cooking delicious food for us! (≡^∇^≡)

;-; awe that's such kind words thank you so much ^-^. I work my hardest to provide the best for people, chose for RRR and Celsius to be free being sincerely there's so many people that just can afford stuff. Or don't trust the site to imput a credit card, etc.

I'm super happy you managed to get it downloaded!!!  And you better be ready because I ain't stopping anytime soon! I can tell ya I been working extra hard to slowly remake RRR with new art  revamp some systems in there even. And then continue to develop to chapter 10.

MUCH more stuff coming don't you worry!~~ recommend checking out my patreon or subscribestar, post early peeks in discord you can only see with roles assigned by pledging there.

Much love!! :D

K i r y u - c h a n ?

Ei meu caro, lembra de mim? Ok, eu quero fazer quase a mesma pergunta que eu fiz da outra vez, nosso personagem pode ser dominate ou só submisso?

Ainda sim submisso.

Ok, obrigado por avisar pra me evitar de me decepcionar, vlw

(1 edit)

where is the guide in the game files? what file type is it?

Also is there a  ending where you can have sentinal leave with you, mass, and ava? like some sort of special relationship/corruption min/maxing path for that extra replay value?


The file is a 8k png file.

And nope. Sentinel isn't really interested in being a good persona nd save everyone. Or able to afford yall.  YOU are his.

Deleted 189 days ago

What x3

Heey, why the text didn't show up the name who talking? Like it's just a text without telling the name which one is talking


It's jut a text! Not the name This guy or That guy on the left, it's doesn't show up

Oh! I will be looking into it thank you for pointing taht out ^-^

I know it's bug, it just make me confused X3

well it is fixed now thanks to ya ^-^

how to unlock bought by rapdactyl

Follow the guide in the game files or discord ;3

why cant i make choices near the end of the game.. i wanted to escape

huh? What you mean?

He probably was on the rogue route

naughty boi killing cats. XD

(1 edit)

WHat should i type for the sentinel ending? I've tried many times by typing " del /f SS3000 " but still error.What is the correct order to type,any space between words?

(2 edits) (+1)

Okay so, I believe there are two places you can type in a Sentinel number. Both require you to have not told Ava about your powers and are on the same route. The first one, pretty sure you just type in "SS3000", (there's something here if you have 50+ Corruption but pretty sure that locks you out of the Sentinel ending). After that you need to type in "del /f SS3000" without the quotes. Keep in mind, you need 60 affection with Sentinel (insist on your name at the start, assuming you put one in, don't think you can get this ending if you don't) in order to get this ending, and make sure your corruption is under 90 or you'll get a different game over a little bit later. Also worth noting, the action to get Sentinel's affection to 60 also gives you 60 corruption, so decline Cass' offer (don't scare her off with powers) and don't possess the croc or you'll get either the corruption or tiger game over. 

thank you!

I also noticed if you name yourself Meat then you're not able to insist he call you by name, which makes sense but amused me some.

Means you accepted what you really are. a piece of meat to be violated~


Thank you very much for the Russian language in the game!
I love you and your games!)


I wanted everyone to enjoy the love and care i put in my games! ^-^ thank you for the kind words!!

Alright, I’ve finally beaten this game on 100% and it was very fun! Like I said in one of my comment Celsius is one of my favorite hentai novels now. It has a story with choices that can lead to different H scenes and endings. This game really has a lot to offer. If we count RRR as a head level Lars jumped over it with a pole! This game has better story, better graphics, better gallery and one interesting thing. This game files can be rad with PyCharm, and as a Godot dev I couldn’t resist but to watch into game files AND OOOOH MAN did I found some interesting things! We have a big mystery that unfolds in multiple Lars’s games… Iteration 69… And it really pins my attention because I am succer for secrets in games! “We will watch your career with great interest”. But as always even in this good project there are minuses. For some reason sentinel_search panel didn’t gave me ma easter eggs even though there are multiple of them in code. Like Ava's, Mass’s, [REDACTED], Zawkassai’s descriptions. But this novel for me at least 10/10. The best porn novel of 2024!

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeah, I noticed that too, was wondering if it was just on my end, but now thinking it might be intentional. Also noticed a 69.png in the files too, who I assume is meant to be iteration 69, but couldn't find it anywhere in the actual code, checked the files too to see if it popped up under a different name but didn't find anything. As for other Easter Eggs, I assume since you looked through the code you managed to trigger both ZSS flags?


You can find Iteration 69 or I69 being mentioned in p_sentinel route.rpy in "game" folder. And spetial for you. If you will type "Lars Z Zawkian" as a name of your charachter and "UUDDLRLRBAS" as password you can acces spetial debug console that opens EVERY H scene in the game, and has a little secret.

Yup, did that one too, even scrolled all the way to page 69


He sees you. He knows you been sniffing around.

He will always be there, you are never alone.

(1 edit)

Great game, certainly enjoyed it and I think I've done almost all I can in the game? But, looking through the files I'm seeing an image I can't seem to find out how to trigger, and a character portrait I don't think shows up in game, not sure if I'm missing anything though. Also, curious as to whether there will be future updates where there will be any more fun secrets in the code. 

i think i just unlocked a easter egg- a scary one at that :(((

he a fren :3

How did you get it?

Hello could someone explain to me how to find these scenes please I made several attempts but I can't find them.

(3 edits)

If I'm remembering correctly, I believe all of those are on the route where you get your powers back. I believe the first one requires you to be rude to the Slime Dragon on day 2, learn the Blackout ability, but fail to stop the guard. 

Second image, on top second from right is a bad ending, get powers back, don't kill the tiger, but fail to input the correct password, after that choose the eviler option. The leftmost two on the bottom require you to have I believe 80 affection with Ava before the same shower scene where you have a lewd scene with Mass. (If you kill the tiger, you lose control of the character and will get sent to one of 3 endings (and a game crash with no ending if you change a certain number in the right file to a 3). Those two scenes with Ava are different but I believe this is your last chance to max out Ava's affection. The last 3 if I remember correctly are all variants on failing to stop the guard, whether or not you learned Blackout, and if you were rude to the Slime Dragon, the right most one requires you to learn Blackout and to have not been rude to them. It also has a secret that requires a rather specific sequence of choices. 

Thanks for helping me

What do i do here?? Im so confused 

Idk if i miss something or im just dumb


Sentinel's model number. SS3000



YEEEEEEEEEEEEE game released for free to everyone!!

Is there I way to access this? Or is only for Patreon just to know I already finished the gallery thanks for the help 

(1 edit)

Go to Celsius folder files. Click on the game folder. scroll down to gallery folder. Click on gallery navigation rpy. open the folder in notepad. scroll to bottom until you see "label secret." change the false value to true. profit.

Gooooooood~ investigate, sniff around~

👍 thanks

How can I find this scene? I have a headache trying to find it.


Just do the rout with you power back

What is blocking the power is the food

Somebody know how to get these two

These last 2 are very hard it feels like I already done every path


1st image is the Rapdactyl game over! Get it by learning black out and failing to attack the guard WITHOUT BEING RUDE TO THE SLIME DRAGON.

2nd is if you have 90% corruption on Sentinel's route, the tiger gonna corner you in the showers~

не могу понять, как разблокировать последнию?


У тебя 90% коррупции на пути Сентинеля, тигр загонит тебя в угол в душе~


(1 edit)

I see it in the comments what I have to type for Sentinel's file name "del /f SS3000", but whenever I enter that it kicks back with "ERROR unknown or inaccessible Sentinel Profile. Please try again." Not sure what to do to fix this

when you go to the prompt for the fi4st time. Type the model number only.

That command you said is for when you go there to delete his history.

yes I entered the ss3000 the initial time earlier in the story but after following the path and getting told to delete the files by midnight, I get stuck at that console prompt


It works fine for me

(1 edit)

I tried that last night but maybe hitting back bugged it out instead of a full reload, though i tried that as well. Anyways, thank you! It worked this time


yay ^-^ enjoy the rest of your life not able to walk because of your new owner~

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